Wednesday, June 26, 2024

Partiers cause late night ruckus

| May 20, 2018 7:38 PM

A person called the Flathead County Sheriff’s Office to report strange things happening to her when she is walking her dog and that lasers are shining in her window. She suspects she knows who it is, but she can’t prove anything.

Someone called to report an out-of-control, 13-year-old girl who refused to go to school or do anything around the house. Also, she allegedly pinched her grandmother earlier. A deputy did speak to the involved parties and gave advice on how to handle the situation.

A person called to report their motor homes were ransacked. They weren’t sure if anything was missing.

Someone called to report an unsupervised child standing by the road. When an officer stopped and asked the child where he lived, he took him to his home. When they arrived, the child’s mother was inside. When the deputy spoke to the mother, he said she was unconcerned and said he usually stays in front of the residence. She said she normally is outside with him and will keep him inside now.

A person called to make a complaint about a man who was camping behind their dumpsters and harassing customers.

Someone called to report journals and other items left behind that may indicate the people are involved in a prostitution ring.

Someone called to report an old, crusty camper parked in front of the house. When a deputy checked it out, it was unoccupied but they were no records of it from Montana or surrounding states.

Someone called the Columbia Falls Police Department to report a man throwing things out on the lawn. The person also reported that he is pushing a cart down the road. After an officer spoke with him, he picked his stuff up and moved along.

A person called to report a possibly intoxicated man who drove in on a 4-wheeler was screaming at people to give him $40. Another person called to report the man had cussed loudly and asked the daughter for a hug. An officer did speak to the man and then dropped him off.

Someone called the Kalispell Police Department to report a loud, late-night party. The music was loud, there were barking dogs and people yelling. When police spoke to the party goers, they agreed to turn the noise down and end the party.

A man was cited and released after allegedly putting candy and groceries in a backpack and leaving a store.

A woman called to learn how she could get her plants back that she gave to a business two years ago. One of the plants was in a $200 pot and she wanted it back so she could sell it. An officer gave her advice on what to do.

Two wayward German shepherds that were running across U.S. 93 were cornered down by the pond and eventually reunited with their owner.

Someone reported her vehicle stalling in the road and a man in a vehicle behind her started honking his horn before getting out and yelling at her. She said the man followed her to her apartment and yelled at her some more because he thought she was texting through the green light.

A man walked into the Whitefish Police Department, said he had a warrant for his arrest and wanted to turn himself in. No record of a warrant for him was found.

Someone called with concerns about ongoing speeding issues due to several young children that live in the area of 3rd St.

A person called to report someone who knocked on their door twice in the last hour. The person didn’t see anything, but wanted the area checked.