Wednesday, June 26, 2024

These cows aren't moo-ving anywhere

| May 25, 2018 2:00 AM

A man called to report five or six cows in his yard. He wasn’t too concerned, but wanted to call in case someone was missing them.

Someone called the Flathead County Sheriff’s Office to report a border collie that came on to his property and attacked him while he was on his riding lawnmower. He said the dog was biting his tires. The dog’s owner was cited.

A man requested a deputy to check on his 1-year-old daughter after he said he received a video of her sitting on her step-father’s lap and playing with a gun while they were driving. The person said he believes the child’s mother was the one who made the video.

A woman called to report a green tent and mountain bike on the side of the North Fork Road for three days. She wasn’t sure if it was a transient or someone who went hiking and failed to return. When a sheriff’s deputy checked the scene, it was learned that the items belonged to a tourist on a backpacking trip.

A person called to report that their unvaccinated cat brought a bat into the house. The person was worried about rabies. The bat was taken to the health department for an exam.

A driver was nearly side-swiped by a truck hauling a backhoe.

A woman called to report that whenever she takes a walk, three dogs, including a German shepherd, St. Bernard and a shepherd mix chase her. She said the dogs also chase deer. A deputy spoke with the dog owner who said she wouldn’t let the dogs runs loose.

A woman called to report that a woman she met in prison stole her marijuana, prescription medication, cellphone and food stamps.

Someone called to report two juveniles who were possibly smoking a crack pipe. When a deputy checked on them, it appeared they were not doing drugs and were taken home to their parents.

According to Whitefish Police Department call logs, a mountain lion was lounging on a back porch. A woman said the lion circled the residence on Lookout Lane and came back to sit on the porch. An officer was unable to locate the animal, but calls were made to Montana Fish, Wildlife and Parks.

A man called the Kalispell Police Department to report that his ex-girlfriend kept harassing him. He said she calls him and comes to the motorhome where he lives in parking lots around town. When an officer spoke to the woman, she agreed to keep the peace for the night.

Someone called to report that a man wearing a National Guard T-shirt and driving a black Chevy Impala allegedly left a restaurant without paying his bill. He said he followed the man outside, stood in the middle of the road and the man allegedly tried to run him over.

An officer determined a man on the sidewalk had fallen asleep while waiting for the bus. He said he was fine.

Someone called the Columbia Falls Police Department to report a woman who walked out of a store with a watermelon and got into a white minivan. Officers determined there was no theft.