Monday, June 17, 2024

Trailer goes off the chain

| May 27, 2018 6:02 PM

Someone called the Kalispell Police Department to report a trailer that had come off the back of a truck. It wasn’t a wreck, but an issue with the safety chains. An officer helped the people get back on the road.

A man called to report his son had taken cash from his wallet. The man also found pills in the son’s backpack and a phone that didn’t belong to him.

A woman who called to report that her purse had been stolen from her car called back to say that she had found it.

A person called to report being locked out of her apartment. She borrowed a phone to call police and an officer called a locksmith, who got the door open and the woman back into her apartment.

A person called to report nearly hitting a man who stumbled into the road. An officer was unable to find the man when he checked the scene.

Someone called to report a woman who was yelling in the parking lot because she wanted a cigarette. When the person asked if she was OK, she said she was fine.

A person called to report a suspicious man who walked through the neighborhood and appeared to smoke something from a pipe before running away.

A dog owner was advised of the leash ordinance and to keep her pets off the sports fields.

Someone called to report a stumbling man who asked for a key to the bathroom and had been in there about 20 minutes. He apparently brought an old chocolate milk bottle with him. When an officer checked, it was learned the man was inside using the Wi-Fi. He was respectful and didn’t have to be removed.

A dog running around a parking lot didn’t want any help after some people brought it inside their vehicle. It got scared, jumped out and was later reunited with its owner.

A woman wished to pursue charges after an alleged fight with another female.

A person who works for a school called to report someone on the roof of the building. The man agreed to stay off the roof after an officer spoke with him.

A man said his 1-year-old daughter accidentally dialed 911 from his Apple watch.

Someone called to report four kids on top of some railroad cars. There was no sign of the children’s parents. An officer later spoke with two 11-year-old boys who were entertaining their 5-year-old brothers. They were told to stay off the tracks.

A man who called to report two bikers who reportedly nearly ran him off the road couldn’t describe the drivers and couldn’t remember his phone number was counseled on his driving.

A person called to report two people who entered a business and allegedly stole some towels and bath soap. The man was riding a mountain bike and the woman was riding a BMX-style bike.