Friday, January 31, 2025

Letters to the editor Nov. 15

| November 15, 2018 2:00 AM

Take a breath, dude

I have read letters by Bill Baum before in which he grumbled about Jon Tester and that’s his right. However, his Nov. 5 letter went over the top and made some disputable assumptions.

First, he assumes Mr. Tester uses assorted toxic insecticides/pesticides on his crops and then, apparently, ships the poisonous product directly to Mr. Baum in order to shorten his life.

He also assumes that Mr. Tester raises cancer causing livestock which conflicts with his lifestyle choice of eliminating meat from his diet. I have personally heard Mr. Tester say that he does not raise cattle because they require more attention than he is able to give them. So much for assumptions.

I seriously doubt that Mr. Tester is anti-animal. He strongly supports access to public lands and, last I heard, that is where most of the wildlife hang out. The real concern for endangered species should be directed at family members of the reigning president who delight in traveling to Africa to kill big game — the bigger, the better. There are endangered species everywhere you know.

But Mr. Baum seems to think Jon Tester spends his days thinking up ways to irritate or bring about a quick demise to this resident of Badrock. Take a breath, dude.

In the past I have admired his stance on wildlife, but now I’m finding him a little irritating myself.

— Diane Myslicki, Kila

Second Amendment

How many guns were taken away from U.S. citizens during the last administration of which Jon Tester was a member? Never mind, I’ll answer that question myself: None!

—Ed Gilk, Columbia Falls

No healing without trust

This letter is in response to recent KRMC full-page ads discussing the payment of a $25 million penalty for the mismanagement of funds. It is not helpful or credible to deny any responsibility for mistakes made in following laws regarding physician bonuses and Medicaid, Medicare, and Tricare funding. Trust is built through fairness and honesty.

To move forward with integrity and good faith, KRMC needs to take responsibility for overpaying physicians at the expense of individual patients, taxpayers, and publicly funded programs. There is no healing without trust.

— Jack Riley, Columbia Falls

Who pays?

Who pays for the cost of bringing President Trump to Montana to hold a rally for Matt Rosendale. I’m guessing you and I do. I’m not real happy about that myself. And Donald Junior, and the vice president, and on and on. Why am I paying for that?

Also, why aren’t these costs showing up on Rosendale’s side of the ledger when they calculate campaign monies expended? I bet it cost $10 million to bring Trump to Montana for a campaign rally. He’s been here how many times?

They need to start asking me before they start spending my money like this.

— Bill Goodman, Kalispell

Left is dividing the people

Who exactly is behind the hatred we see in America today? Let’s see, Hollywood’s Peter Fonda Tweeted the following, “We should rip Barron Trump from his mother’s arms and put him in a cage with pedophiles.” Gee, that seems violent and hateful. Then we have former Attorney General Eric Holder saying, “When they go low we kick em’ while they’re down.” Very stately of our former number one law enforcement officer.

Let’s go to Congress and see what they’re saying? Congresswoman Maxine Waters said, “Get up in their faces wherever they are.” And Trump officials have been accosted in many public places. We can’t forget Nancy Pelosi who said, “violence against Patriots is just collateral damage.” That seems a little hateful to me. We couldn’t end without one Hillary Clinton and her sage advice. Referring to Republicans she said, “No power. No peace”.

And right here in Montana, we have our very own Montana Human Rights Council and their various hangers-on like Love Lives Here. They preach love, peace, and togetherness until you don’t agree with them. Then the show their love by calling you a racist, bigot, Islamaphobe or the newest most popular, a white nationalist.

It’s time Montanans and Americans everywhere toss political correctness and call a spade a spade. Bottom line whether you’re black, white, Native, Spanish or any combination thereof we are all Americans. The Left needs to quit dividing the people, something they do best.

— Ed Kugler, Big Arm