Friday, January 31, 2025

Letters to the editor Nov. 29

| November 29, 2018 2:00 AM

Countdown to Christmas

An open letter to Sens. Steve Daines, Jon Tester and Rep. Greg Gianforte:

I know for a fact that if this letter makes the paper, you will certainly read it, for your staff will make sure it sits on your desk.

According to today’s date; Daines and Tester, you have 15 working days left until you both leave D.C. and head back for two weeks Christmas vacation. Must be nice guys, how many working people out here in Montana have two weeks off for Christmas vacation? Not to be outdone, Gianforte, you and the House have 12 working days before you say “adios” to D.C. for two weeks.

In the meantime, 6,000 people are in Tijuana screaming to get into the USA, rushing the border entrance and having to be forced back across the neutral zone with tear gas and at the same time yelling, “they want asylum.”

May I remind all of you that this is not a Democratic or Republican issue, it is an issue of our sovereignty as a nation and our survival to remain the United States of America, a free and independent people.

Have any of you illustrious people given that any thought? Have you stood out in front of your respective houses of government and voiced to the American people your thoughts on this matter? Did you over the Thanksgiving holiday (one week off) give any town hall meetings in regards to this matter?

So the question remains “my three amigos” you have about two weeks to get something done, or are you too busy to worry about the sovereignty of the country?

— Jim Garvey, Kalispell

People who aren’t Democrats

In response to Michael Dickerson’s absurd opinion that only Republicans can be Christians. Here are some people who are not in the Democratic party. There are no Nazi fascists in the Democratic party. There are no KKK in the Democratic party. There are no white supremacists in the Democratic party. Those deplorables ALWAYS vote for Republicans. What does that say about the Republican party?

— Tom Shaughnessy, Kalispell

Dog tired

Dog tired no more! A solution has finally materialized. A solution to the old CSKT Water Compact, aka, the “Governments” Compact. A solution recently introduced at Leon Hall, Charlo. A solution widely accepted by the 100+ participants who listened to the credible panel of current Montana legislators.

The solution is an alternative to the old CSKT water compact, essentially a new compact, called the Peoples Compact. A solution which offers a final settlement to the only remaining federal Court of Claims grievance filed by the Confederated Salish and Kootenai Tribes, in 1951, regarding their federal reserved water rights. A solution that follows all past federal court of claims settlement procedures. A settlement procedure awarding an 85 percent, per capita and tax-free funding, directly to all actively enrolled CSKT tribal members with the remaining 15 percent being awarded directly to the CSKT Corporation. In other words, a solution to directly provide tribal members with a fair settlement payment.

In addition, a solution garnering $200 million from the Bureau of Reclamation to rehabilitate the Flathead Irrigation & Power Project. A solution that mirrors the template of all previously settled Montana State/Tribal Compacts. A lawful solution. A solution within the jurisdiction of Congress. A solution that does not require Montana State approval prior to congressional ratification. A real solution where all sides win. Be part of the solution and enthusiastically read for yourself at:

—David Passieri, St Ignatius

There is no alternative

You have probably been seeing letters supporting an alternative to the CSKT water compact. Be aware that there is no “alternative compact” or “Peoples Compact.” A compact is by definition an agreement by two or more parties. The compact currently before Congress is a long-fought agreement between the CSKT, the State of Montana and the federal government.

This fictional “Peoples Compact” is no more than a lengthy wish list by the same xenophobic folks who have opposed any idea proposed by the tribes for many years. Any “compact” they come up with would have to be approved by these same three entities and even they know that will never happen.

If you visit their website you will find no document that can, in any way, be called a compact or a lawful agreement and there will never be a legal document. You may also note that they choose to not put any names to their so-called compact. The closest you will find to a supporter is someone called “Concerned Citizen.”

Make no mistake, these are the same people who have opposed the agreed-to compact from the beginning and who have repeatedly lost in court. Don’t be duped by this bigoted rhetoric. Let your legislators know that you fully support the hard-fought and equitable agreement currently awaiting congressional approval.

—LaVerne Sultz, Kalispell

Midterm results

As a recovering Democrat I was more than a little interested in the election and as the results came in I was thinking of the voters and the words of Jesus on the cross as he said father forgive them as they know not what they do.

—Glen Hook