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Letters to the editor Oct. 31

| October 31, 2018 2:00 AM

Perry will make a positive difference

Zac Perry is getting things done for HD3.

Since taking office, Zac has built bipartisan relationships and sponsored three bills that became law. He also played a pivotal role in passing a law that allows private-sector businesses to grant hiring preference to veterans without fear of being sued for it, and sponsored another bill encouraging new business development and expansion. Zac supported the bill that would have conducted the 2017 special election by mail-in ballot, saving $750,000 of our tax dollars. (Unfortunately, that bill was voted down by the GOP majority.)

In contrast, Zac’s predecessor — and current challenger — memorably spent his time in the state house demanding to be paid in gold (Daily Inter Lake, 11/12/12) and advocating that prisoners be allowed to opt for corporal punishment instead of jail time (Daily Inter Lake, 1/31/13).

Vote for the HD3 candidate most likely to make a positive difference in the lives of his voters: Zac Perry.

—Alice Biel, Columbia Falls

Dunn for tax relief; O’Neil for freedom

I know David Dunn to be an intelligent, knowledgeable, kind man. We go to the same church. The article about him in the Daily Inter Lake (10/11/18) gave a great summary of what he will do in Helena to represent the conservative majority in Montana in general and in House District 9 in particular.

David states he will work with the conservative caucus in Helena and will analyze bills “in the purview of the Constitution and the Bill of Rights.” He is quoted as saying “I do not want to assign more burden onto the taxpayers just because government doesn’t know how to cut programs. Instead of creating higher taxes for the citizen our government ought to foster a better business environment in which industry may increase revenues for the state…”

David Dunn is against Medicaid’s expansion program (which is set to expire in 2019) because it “hurts the truly vulnerable, mentally ill and disabled people by providing ‘free’ health care to able-bodied, childless, non-working adults. Medicaid also hurts the taxpayer as there are no cost controls.”

David has a lot of knowledge about our founding documents and about how government should work for “We the People.” He will be a GREAT asset in Helena!

Vote tax relief, vote Dunn.

Jerry O’Neil was born and raised in the Flathead Valley and has been in the mediation and paralegal business here for over 30 years. He is running for House District 3 in the upcoming elections and needs your vote! Jerry has a passion for liberty, and his legislative record (eight years in the Senate and four years in the House) reflects that passion.

Contrary to Jerry’s Democrat opponent, Jerry is both pro-life and pro-2nd Amendment. He has consistently voted to protect the unborn and to protect our right to keep and bear arms — our God-given right to protect ourselves, our loved ones, our neighbors and our community.

Jerry O’Neil is against a new sales tax. He has stated, “I do not support a sales tax. I believe we need to make sure our government functions within the budget we can afford.” AMEN to that, Jerry!

Jerry claims: “I am a pro-family, pro-freedom candidate who will fight to keep our government efficient and answerable to the people.”

Jerry is endorsed by the NRA, Montana Shooting Sports Association (MSSA), Right to Life Montana, Montana ProLife Coalition and National Federation of Independent Business.

Protect our liberties: Vote for Jerry O’Neil!

—Julie Dockery, Kalispell

Vote for Montana health care

Matt Rosendale must really think Montanans are easy to fool.

Rosendale blatantly misled Montanans with asthma, Montanans with cancer, Montanans with high blood pressure, and the 152,000 Montanans with pre-existing conditions when he claimed he would protect their health-care coverage. He’s doing just the opposite.

Recently, Rosendale’s office announced new “junk” insurance plans. These plans are as good as their name suggests. They allow insurance companies to deny coverage to Montanans with pre-existing conditions!

Adding insult to injury, just last year, Rosendale attended a fundraiser where he raised money from insurance executives pushing these same kind of “short term” health insurance plans.

I guess it could be a coincidence, a year after Rosendale cashed their fundraising checks he fought to bring their kind of health insurance plans to Montana — at the expense of Montanans who need life-saving health care.

Rosendale is the kind of guy who tells you what you want to hear to your face and makes false promises so you’ll vote for him. Then, behind closed doors, he’s only out for his own ambitions.

For the sake of Montana’s health-care economy, don’t vote for Rosendale this November.

—Alan Peura, Polebridge

Brodehl would be a great addition

I am encouraging my neighbors in the Flathead Valley to vote for Randy Brodehl to fill the District 3 seat on the Flathead County Commission. Randy is a man of faith, integrity, conservative values and unmatched experience. He has been a small business man, administered the Kalispell Fire Department as chief and served on the House Appropriations and Judicial Committees while serving in the Montana House of Representatives. He will be a great addition to the balance of the Commission.

—Bob Faulkner, Kalispell

17,579 strong

This letter is to the 17,579 voters who voted for the Egan Slough ballot initiative 17-01. It is time for us to come together again as ONE VOICE to vote FOR the Flathead Valley and what’s left of its beauty.

As current commissioners seem hell-bent on selling every last square inch and accelerating growth “at any cost,” it is time to come together and vote for candidate Tom Clark for county commissioner. This man is our best bet to help pump the brakes on out-of-control urban sprawl which seems to have become the mantra for the sitting commissioners. Randy Brodehl talks a lot about property rights, but I question exactly whose property rights he seems so willing to protect. He won’t take a stance on the water-bottling factory on the Flathead River, although the issue has been in the news for 29 months. During the Republican primaries we knew who supported and who did not support the initiative except for Mr. Brodehl, who, to this day, will not address the issue. At this time he is hiding behind Judge Allison’s robes and the fact that there is yet ANOTHER LAWSUIT against the current county commissioners who are unwilling to enforce the newly rezoned area and are looking the other way as Montana Artesian Water Company blatantly bottles our aquifer. Randy Broedehl claims to have community and family values yet seems to disregard all the families who will be affected by the implementation of this plastic-producing, water-mining facility.

Tom Clark, however, has been present, up-front and outspoken about the terrible effects this manufacturing site would have on all the surrounding neighbors. Tom Clark has said he is very willing and able to work with current commissioners Holmquist and Mitchell. He is a problem solver, and he LISTENS to the people of the Flathead Valley. I have been a volunteer for two groups opposed to this water bottling factory and I have seen Tom Clark at gatherings, protests and meetings LISTENING AND READY TO HELP! As a volunteer, I have worked hand-in-hand with Democrats, Republicans, Independents, old and young and everyone in between who is interested and dedicated to saving the soul of this valley. Mr. Brodehl’s silence and commitment to non-commitment shouts VOLUMES.

Please place your party affiliation card on the shelf for this ONE IMPORTANT VOTE and please fill in the circle next to Tom Clark’s name on your ballot. We are 17,579 strong, that’s a lot of votes, we can do this again! Thank you all for voting in the past and I sincerely look forward to you voting on Nov. 6. WE ARE ONE!

—Jean Rachubka, Kalispell

We need a commissioner who will show up

While a Kalispell School Board member, now Democrat Commissioner candidate Tom Clark was absent or late for 50 percent of the board meetings.

The school board’s online minutes show that for the 35 meetings during Clark’s final two years between 2014 and 2016 (when he quit), Clark missed 12 meetings and was late for six. In other words, Clark skipped 33 percent of the meetings, and was tardy for 16 percent.

We need a commissioner who shows up, not Clark.

—Joanna Adams, Kalispell

Brodehl has legislative experience

Randy Brodehl is an excellent candidate for County Commissioner.

He has served Flathead Valley with eight years in the Montana Legislature. He is the only candidate with experience in the Montana Legislature. This experience is very important. Commissioners must anticipate what the Legislature may do and should be able to make good suggestions to Montana legislators.

Randy has a practical focus that we need. He will address changing law enforcement needs, defend personal property rights, and keep our taxes low.

­­—Ed Berry, Bigfork

Big Tobacco is lying again

Montana voters have an opportunity to help improve the health and quality of life of hundreds of thousands of Montanans with a YES vote on ballot Initiative 185. I-185 puts a $2 tax on tobacco and taxes other tobacco products. Phillip Morris, the largest tobacco company in America has spent $12 million to fight this initiative because they don’t want to see their profits fall.

Unfortunately, smoking kills and kicking the smoking habit is extremely difficult. Studies show that raising the price of tobacco is the best way to help those trying to quit. By raising the price of tobacco products, I-185 provides a big incentive to quit, while providing dollars for multiple health programs in our state. These include anti-tobacco education, services for the disabled, seniors and veterans, as well as funding for rural hospitals and Medicaid programs.

Big Tobacco has spent millions fighting I-185, just as they have spent millions marketing to teenagers and young adults. The result has been life-long smoking addiction, poor health and premature death for many. Cigarette companies lied to the public for years about the health impacts of tobacco and now they are lying again – this time to defeat I-185.

I have practiced medicine in Montana for 25 years, caring for countless patients with smoking caused illness. Many of them suffered an early death from cancer, with heart and lung disease robbing them of countless years of life.

Don’t let Big Tobacco win again. Stand up for the health of your friends, neighbors and families and vote to provide vital health services for vulnerable Montanans. Vote YES on I-185.

—Dr. Suzanne Daniell Hildner, Whitefish