Friday, January 31, 2025

Tester represents the D.C. 'Swamp'

by Mark Agather
| September 27, 2018 2:00 AM

Jon Tester is hiding (and he should) behind an advertising barrage which is producing a smokescreen designed to obscure his support for the far left as evidenced by his voting record. His ad campaign tries to paint his opponent as an outsider out of touch with Montana voters. In fact Tester’s voting record shows it is he that’s aligned with California, Nancy Pelosi, Diane Feinstein, and Maxine Waters and out of touch with Montana.

Tester’s main issue of “Maryland Matt” is ironic given the fact that Matt Rosendale moved to Montana and now resides here whereas John Tester has moved to Washington D.C. and has become an integral part of “the Swamp.” Secondly, he says he supports the veterans, which is true. However, there isn’t a political figure that doesn’t support our veterans so that is really a non-issue. Third, his backers have tried to create an emotional issue about our public lands implying that others want to sell them off. What nonsense! However, this issue does raise huge amounts of money for him from outside donors who want our public lands locked up forever.

But this blizzard of non-issues is designed to hide the real concern: Tester is a firm supporter of the far left and of the D.C. swamp. Just look at what he supports! He was a deciding vote for Obamacare. He likes more and more taxes as he voted against the tax-cut bill. He regularly votes for “activist judges” and won’t support President Trump’s newest pick, Kavanaugh. He voted for two of the most anti-gun judges for our Supreme Court (Kagan and Sotomeyor) so his claims to solid support for gun rights rings quite hollow; he votes against the funding for the border wall, wants all illegal aliens to be considered citizens and is against stopping the flood of these people into our country. He certainly doesn’t want any natural resource jobs in our country as he is anti-mining, logging and coal, keeping Montanans poor and on food stamps (and dosed in smoke every August and September). He doesn’t support the president’s attempts to get better deals from other countries by renegotiating NAFTA and the TPP agreements. He regularly votes against more funding for our military and is silent when it comes to respecting our own American flag.

Tester is truly an animal of the far left, which means he favors laws which are anti-Christian promoting transgenderism and same-sex marriages and of course, abortion. He is a staunch supporter of the water compact which gives control of Montana’s waters to the federal government/Indian tribes. On top of that he believes in man-caused global warming and fails to stand up against his big city supporters who despise all of us back-country “deplorables.” In addition, he is terrified of displeasing the “misandrist” women (man-haters) who control so much of his party. Certainly, he won’t take a stand against the obvious trend of the Democratic Party towards full-fledged socialism, communism and fascism. In short, he hasn’t and he won’t support President Trump in his efforts to Make America Great Again.

Whew! That’s a lot. Jon may be a nice guy but it’s time he mans up and comes as clean about what he supports and what he opposes as his voting record clearly indicates. He is not a centrist and he may as well admit he does exactly what Pelosi and her big city liberal donors demand without question.

However all of this makes the issue in the Montana Senate race very simple — a vote for Tester is a vote for the far left and a vote against President Trump. It is a vote for outside big liberal donors and a movement toward bigger federal government, less states’s rights, socialism, communism and corruption. And it is a vote for the “Swamp.” It is time for Montana to move on to elect a person more aligned with the majority of our citizens for the sake of not only our state but for our entire country as well. After all we are not California.

Agather is a resident of Kalispell.

195 East Nicklaus Ave.

Kalispell, MT 59901
