Friday, January 31, 2025

Letters to the editor April 8

| April 8, 2019 2:00 AM

Progressive madness

A recent Daily Inter Lake included an interesting opinion given by an individual promoting a vegan lifestyle. It was interesting not because it revealed health benefits of food, but because it revealed the imaginary world of the progressive.

Brainwashed is a mild term for this gentleman who insisted the Bible wanted all of us to eat vegetables. The only problem is that he has never read the Bible. He cited a number of errant lunatics, infamous for starting religious cults, and then elevated his eulogy with a heartfelt cry about the pain animals suffer when “...senselessly” slaughtered, just to feed humans. How does he know this?

OK, I can accept compassion for vegans and chickens, but deliberately lying about the Bible in a public forum is the latest form of mental disorder from progressives.

Quite clearly, the Epistle to the Romans, Chap.14 and Colossians, Chap. 2 v.16 speaks against a need to restrict any food at any time. If you wish eat a pepperoni pizza, you can still go to heaven!

But as intelligent and sane as this gentleman sounded, his desire was to transform his progressive political opinions into a religion. This man’s attitude is typical of the progressive mentality, their movement and their madness. Where else will you find people advocating health food, preserving cattle, and out-of-body abortions? If he had read the Bible or any history book, he would be shocked to find out that all of this has happened once before, when Jews were classified as “subhuman” by another vegetarian, Adolph Hitler, who claimed to have a great idea for purifying the human race — if only the world would trust him.

America said no then, and America still needs to say no, now. Otherwise, we are all doomed to repeat history.

— Mike Donohue, Kalispell

Grateful for ImagineIF

As the mother of a toddler, one of the most valuable resources Kalispell has to offer is ImagineIF Library. I would be remiss to say that it’s only a critical resource for young children, families and caregivers. In fact, our community library is vital for all of us. However, my sincere appreciation for ImagineIF increased exponentially after having my son and introduced him to the wide range of program offerings the library provides, for free, for children.

I began taking my son to the library when he was but a few months old, taking part in the baby storytime and it has become our weekly tradition ever since. More than books, the programming offered to babies, toddlers, children and teens is unparalleled: from songs, stories, to a wide range of interactive, educational and inspiring activities and projects. ImagineIF and its staff take their duties seriously and passionately. When friends with young children visit from places like Chicago I take them to the library and they are amazed and impressed at what our small-town public library offers.

As a family we have learned many beloved songs like “Zoom Zoom Zoom” and added many new books to our shelves, thanks to a kind librarian who’s helped us discover new books about dragons, knights or firefighters; all topics that are my son’s favorites. He has learned to sing, play with other children at the different areas like the market, and experiment with the wind tunnel using scarves, or come fall, leaves.

ImagineIF Library is a true asset to our community, and for our family, a cherished institution for learning, exploration, and creativity. My son now has his own library card and he can’t wait to check out new books. For this I am most grateful.

—Maggie Doherty, Kalispell

Library plays big role in early childhood

I would like to send out a big “thank you” to all of the children’s librarians at the ImagineIF library in Kalispell. This amazing team of people played an important role in my children’s early childhood, helping to instill in them a love of books and a fondness for using the library.

I first discovered the early literacy children’s programs at ImagineIF library when my daughter was about 6 months old. “Books and Babies” became the highlight of our week. My young daughter loved the songs and stories and I loved getting new ideas to use at home. As a new mother, I was introduced to board books, famous authors and nursery rhymes I may not have known about otherwise.

As she got older, we decided to homeschool her for preschool and considered the library’s story hour an integral part of our curriculum. My daughter learned skills like cooperation, sharing and listening. She learned new songs, dances and artistic skills as well. She loved the books and often talked of her “library friends” we would see each week and of the librarians who were special to her. I will always remember the first time she felt brave enough to leave my lap and join the other children sitting in front of the librarian. That says a lot about the way they carefully gained the trust of a shy little toddler.

I have the utmost respect for the children’s librarians at ImagineIF and have had only positive experiences with the books, songs and activities they share with children each day. Thank you, ImagineIF library, for playing such an important role in my children’s childhoods!

—Ansley Ford, Somers