Friday, January 31, 2025

Letters to the editor Aug. 4

| August 4, 2019 2:00 AM

Sweet sounds

While shopping at the Kalispell Costco late in the afternoon on July 30, I encountered something both wonderful and unfortunate. I heard the most wonderful singing from a food court employee. It immediately conjured up images of the market section of Old Town Italy on a warm summer afternoon; shop owners and roaming peddlers would sing as they catered to the public.

Some might argue the quality of such an experience would depend on this employee’s talent and choice of music. In this case, these considerations were not a detriment. I suspect most amateur critics and some experts would have given this person a thumbs up. That was the best part of my shopping experience and it was free. This employee courageously gave everyone within earshot a gift. The gift was similar to the fragrance and visual of beautiful flowers; a refreshing cool breeze on a sultry evening or the gentle laughter of small children

The unfortunate side of this was displayed by the clerk at the window. The clerk appeared to be profoundly embarrassed and freely indicated this through facial expressions. The clerk was probably not at all alone in having this reaction. For the crowd of people, it was what has become in our culture, something different and unusual. Here was someone publicly displaying their feelings in a business setting, albeit in a most beautiful way. It is unfortunate such an event would make anyone feel uncomfortable.

I know there are many people in Kalispell who can give the same gift but choose not to do so, so as to avoid harsh looks and negative reactions. Many thanks to this singing employee for being such a good example of courage, talent and service. I hope others follow.

—Chuck Braun, Libby


I hope I’m not alone in saying how tired of this endless crap I am. The latest Trump Rally was deeply offensive to any real American who believes in democracy. If you say you hate socialism, you prove yourself a liar and hypocrite unless you decline Social Security or Medicare benefits, demur socialist fire and police protection for your home, and remove your kids from public schools, including so-called charter schools that are pure socialism by definition.

Stop driving on our socialist roads and using our socialist library, stop using our socialist airwaves to watch TV being spread by socialist satellites in space, and stop using our socialist sewer and water services. If you are a Flathead Electric customer, unplug and stop using our socialist electricity. Get off our socialist internet and stay out of our socialist national parks. Stop hunting in our socialist state and national forests. Stop flying in or out of our socialist airports and refuse to serve yourself or send your kids to serve in our socialist military. Last but not least GET OFF MY SOCIALIST LAWN!

Oh, if I may be so bold as to speak for my 3/64 Native Anigilohi blood, if you find no fault with this “go back where you came from” nonsense — please, please do. I will help you pack.

—Bob Petersen, Evergreen

Politically motivated witch hunt

Robert Mueller, the special counsel who has been hounding President Trump for two years, was forced by Democrats to testify before the House Judiciary and Intelligence Committees (both oxymorons in the case of these committee chairmen) in an obvious attempt to get sound bites to the media and convince the American people of President Trump’s guilt.

Unfortunately, Mr. Mueller wasn’t up to the task. It is evident to me that he has a hearing impairment and a mild degree of dementia resulting in an embarrassing performance. Though it bears his name, he lacked knowledge of the report’s content and admitted failing to participate in any witness interrogations. He was purely a figurehead and others (most likely Trump-hating Democrat Andrew Weissman) conducted the investigation and wrote the “Mueller Report.” Weissman, by the way, is a corrupt politically biased career prosecutor who has a sullied record on the prosecution of both Enron and Senator Stevens of Alaska, both cases overturned by the Supreme Court for prosecutorial misconduct. Sadly, Mueller, a man who had a solid career as a Marine and FBI chief, allowed himself to be dragged into a politically motivated witch hunt designed to try and unseat a duly elected president with the blessing of leading Democrats.

I don’t blame Mr. Mueller for the embarrassing performance; rather, based on the Pelosi, Nadler, Schiff press conference, I blame these leading House Democrats who forced him to destroy his reputation by dragging him before their committees to try to make political points. Their plan, despite their smiling spin, failed miserably. Even many on the left including the drive-by media recognized their failure.

And the Democrats who forced him to testify ... hopefully they will someday be forced to admit they destroyed a decent man’s reputation for nothing.

—David Myerowitz, Columbia Falls