Friday, January 31, 2025

Letters to the editor Aug. 8

| August 8, 2019 2:00 AM

Mass shootings

Second mass shooting in 24 hours. Not to worry. Local gun-right organizations remain confident that these mass shootings will soon stop ... all by themselves, for no reason at all.

—Ed Dramer, Kalispell

Violent offenders

Well here we go again. Why is this still a problem in the U.S.? Most of the politicians complaining now have been in office for previous tragedies as well. Why did they not fix the problem years and years ago?

Is the gun violence any worse than the treasonous acts being committed by the Clintons and Obama followers? Wake up Americans and address the threats from politicians stating they want to kill the president. Slap and abuse the president. Where is the respect due to a legally elected official? How about Sharpton, Jackson, Waters, etc., who set a violent atmosphere as well.

The time to act is now. Kill with a gun or violent act, then die by the same method immediately. Clean out the violent offenders in prisons as well.

Politicians not doing for the people what they promised during their elections should be fired with no benefits immediately. Stop complaining America and correct the abuses. Stop wasting money on violent offenders. Save the good people, help those in need and encourage everyone to strive for their best or pay the ultimate price for violence and treason.

Don’t forget the abortion killers as well. All life is precious. Eliminate the evil to save the good! Act now or suffer future events as evil or worse.

—Ron Albrecht, Kalispell

Trump’s rhetoric

I have been totally perplexed by the citizens of Germany prior to World War II. They were an intelligent, industrious people, probably leaders of he world. So how could they actively or passively support a person like Adolph Hitler to be their leader and why did they tolerate his insane persecution of the Jewish people? He slaughtered millions of Jewish men, women and little children simply because they were of Jewish ancestry and there was virtually no protest.

I don’t hear any protest from Trump’s supporters when he makes the racial remarks. In fact Sen. Steve Daines felt compelled to express support for Trump’s racial slurs. I liked Sen. Daines, but now feel deeply disappointed in his comments. Are we now on a similar course of racial prejudice? It’s total insanity!

I don’t know how to express an explanation for this peculiar behavior, but I don’t think the German people are unique. Apparently we all have a dark side that will surface when stimulated if we don’t exert discipline to control these ugly emotions. When we do good deeds it brings forth good feelings, so then why do we succumb to doing hateful acts? I’m guessing it’s a primitive instinct dating back to our caveman era when families and clans fought over food and shelter.

We don’t have that excuse today.

Just the other day we had another massacre of 22 innocent people and wounding of 24 others by a person in Texas who hated Mexicans. So why did he take his rage out on innocent shoppers at a Walmart store? Before this smoke had settled we had another massacre in Ohio.

I don’t know if President Trump’s rhetoric had anything to do with this, but it certainly does not help the situation. I wish our elected officials would be leaders and encourage unity, respect and appreciate the beautiful aspects of our diverse background, rather than the negative remarks. If you passively accept what’s going on, you are making an endorsement. Keep this in mind the next time you vote.

—Phillip Iversen, Kalispell

Leave no trace

In regards to article (Aug. 1) on the Somers boat launch and the trash piles: Perhaps we can feel fortunate that the lazy, inconsiderate lake users brought their trash back to the boat launch, rather than dumping it in the lake? I wonder how many relieved themselves in our “used to be” pristine lake?

Can the county make a sign by the trash bins: “Please help our county. Do not leave any trash if the trash cans are full.”

—Susan Repa, Lakeside

Best of category critique

Thanks very much for your ‘Best of the Flathead’ issue. Being new to the Flathead Valley, it was helpful for me to hear from others about quality local goods and services available across such a wide variety of venues and providers.

However, I feel that it is problematic to include categories for ‘Best Church’ and ‘Best Pastor’.

First of all, on a basic level, large congregations like Canvas Church and Fresh Life have a much larger voting base than, say, St. Herman Orthodox or Bible Presbyterian. Subsequently, the format of ‘Best of the Flathead’ inordinately favors large, better-attended congregations and well-known, popular pastors over smaller and less well-known.

The choice of a place of worship, however, is not dependent on the same criteria as a popular vote, and the latter might be just what someone is looking for in a worship community, while the former might leave them cold and miserable.

But most important, the ministry of a church or clergy is a deeply personal- and indeed spiritual- relationship that cannot be quantified in the same way as commercial goods and services; popular is not necessarily ‘better’ than inconspicuous; large is not necessarily ‘better’ than small; bigger-budget multimedia production values are not necessarily ‘better’ than the liturgical and contemplative.

I’d strongly suggest dropping these two categories from your next ‘Best of the Flathead’ offering.

—Diana Hatch, Bigfork