Friday, February 07, 2025

Screws are loose on Kalispell city streets

| August 16, 2019 2:00 AM

Someone told the Kalispell Police Department she was worried about “plates on the roadway being held down by screws.” Apparently, the screws had become loose and were a potential danger to drivers, according to the caller. But it turned out many drivers had already driven over the plates “without any issues.”

Someone complained about a dog she saw panting in a vehicle with all its windows rolled up. But she later canceled her complaint when she realized the car was running.

A woman on a residence’s “do not rent to list” was reportedly hanging out in the parking lot for multiple days. A caller asked the police to tell her to move along.

A woman reported a “sketchy male” living near her. She suspected he was “possibly doing drugs.” The police determined everything was all right with the situation and there was no reason to investigate the suspicious character at that time.

Someone reported his neighbor for trying to fix his own car with a hammer. No crime here except, perhaps, an odd choice of tools.

Someone believed she saw a “blatant drug deal happening” because she saw two people exchange a package and she could “recognize the look on their faces as being high.”

The Columbia Falls Police Department received a complaint that an ex-employee refused to stop contacting his previous employer after she fired him. The unemployed fellow stated he “will continue to contact her as much as he wants” and the police “can just arrest him if that is what we want to do.” The employer was advised to take out a restraining order or hire a lawyer.

A young driver “seemed very emotional” and was seen “pounding on the steering wheel.” A concerned citizen who may have been unfamiliar with road rage wanted a police officer to check on the driver.

Someone chased two subjects off his yard and suspected they might have been trying to break into cars.

A truck that had been left in a parking lot for over a day had its window broken.