Friday, January 31, 2025

Slipper shuffler suspected of break-in

| August 25, 2019 2:00 AM

A woman told the Kalispell Police Department she believed her house had been broken into because “her slippers were moved” and the door seemed loose.

A German passport found at the fairgrounds was given to the police.

Someone stole $1,000 in electronics and cosmetics.

Someone believed a bike had been stolen, even though it was sitting unattended in an alley “for a while.”

A woman reported a “huge” sign she described as “slanderous” and “very sick.”

A man in “Gothic dress” with “pink eye make-up” went up to someone’s door with a sign asking for money.

An employer was very concerned about an employee who didn’t show up for her shift. It turned out she thought she had the day off.

An older woman carrying a pink suitcase was reportedly causing a traffic problem by being in the roadway, but she eventually got out of the way.

Someone reported multiple out-of-state drivers for graffiti even though they had spray painted their own vehicles.

A homeowner felt something suspicious was going on when a car in the next driveway over blasted its speaker. He requested an officer drive by, but the officer reported the area was quiet.

A woman returned home to find all her belongings in the yard and the door locked.

A duck with a fishing lure stuck in its beak and foot was caught and taken in to be treated.

Someone was suspicious of a wood carving of a bear that was left near her bushes. She asked an officer to come pick up the small gift.

Someone told the police about a 10-year-old bike rider and said he “didn’t think he should be on the road.” The youngster was located and reminded to stop at stop signs.

A duffel bag was left overnight by an apartment complex and then taken to the police for safekeeping.

Someone felt her mother was “possibly injured” after she hit her on the head with a metal bar.

A woman suspected her neighbor of abusing his dog because the dog was yelping. There was no actual evidence of any mistreatment. An officer investigated and concluded the concerns were “unfounded.”