Friday, January 31, 2025

Letters to the editor Feb. 25

| February 25, 2019 2:00 AM

Families fare better when together

In Amy Beth Hanson’s report on the Montana Legislature, Marti Vining opposed Rep. Dennis Lenz bill requiring children to be in danger of serious bodily injury or starvation before they could be placed in state care. Opponents argue that the standard does not “protect children who are being sexually or emotionally abused, or when there is domestic violence or drug abuse in the home.”

I believe that children who are sexually and emotionally abused, or witnessing domestic violence, are in danger of serious bodily injury. However, I also have a very different view on the damage done to children with drug abuse in the home, compared to the damage done to children and families in the foster care system. In fact, statistics have proven, again and again, that families fare better when they remain together. Montana is tearing apart families more often than any other state — a rate nearly triple the national average.

Furthermore, it is impossible for a person with a substance-abuse disorder to meet the demands of an agency that has absolutely no idea that their demands are completely unfeasible. CFS workers are merely creating reunification plans to meet their deadlines for either returning the child, or terminating the parent’s rights, and finding a permanent home for the child, via adoption. This is one of the crimes of this century. Imagine telling someone who has a crippling disease that they must walk in three months, or they will lose all parental rights and their child will be adopted out. That is exactly what we are doing to families with the opioid crisis. Rather than keeping the family intact and providing the services needed to help the parent walk again, we are ripping the family apart, and destroying the children.

—Jacqueline Elm, Kalispell

‘Every life counts’

It is a sad fact that abortion is the leading cause of death in our nation...not cancer, heart disease, stroke, automobile accidents or drug over doses. The total now stands a 55 million dead since Roe vs Wade — considered by most legal experts to be one of the worst Supreme Court decisions ever.

Mao killed 65 million Chinese. Stalin killed 40 million Russians. Hitler killed 11 million. How very grim that the U.S. rates right up there with the worst of history’s butchers. How grim that U.S. taxpayers are forced to support this slaughter... not only here at home but even overseas

as Nancy Pelosi et al push to fund international abortion via tax funded foreign aid.

Fortunately, Trump has made it clear he will veto any legislation that funds international abortion. He should do the same for any funds headed to Planned Parenthood as well. Mrs. Pelosi claims to be some sort of Roman Catholic and sanctimoniously quotes St. Francis of Assisi. Maybe she should heed the words of the Pope named for that saint: “Every life counts: from the beginning to the end, from conception to natural death.” Maybe America should heed those words as well and end the holocaust that is abortion.

—C.A. Disney, Libby

A crime against humanity

Trump is the most corrupt president we have ever had. He might soon be indicted or impeached for obstruction of justice, violating the emoluments clause of the Constitution, conspiring with a hostile foreign power to attack our elections, and many other things. However, Bob Mueller is unlikely to charge him with the crime future generations will condemn him for the most, failing to stop the climate crisis.

Almost every climate scientist in the world agrees that the climate crisis is happening, is human caused and will become catastrophic if we continue as we have. Scientists say we have only perhaps a decade to shift to renewable energy, or future generations will be forced to face ever-worsening fire, flood and famine events. If we continue as we have, our civilization will certainly collapse.

Even though Mueller is not likely to charge him for this, Trump is committing a crime against humanity, the children of tomorrow. History might eventually forget Hitler, but it is never going to forgive Trump. And so, for the children, we must remove Trump from office and immediately change the course he has set for us.

—Wade Sikorski, Baker

Who’s a hero?

Who’s a hero? Not me — I’m just a regular person. So was Sully Sullenberger until Jan. 15, 2009. Maybe a hero is a regular person who sees a need and does something. That would make a lot of people in our valley heroes, because the Polson Loaves and Fish food pantry met the 2018 Town Pump match fundraiser and can continue serving 350+ families a month and almost 100 students each weekend.

We are in awe of our local Town Pump, supermarkets, churches, hospitals, service organizations, schools, youth groups, businesses, government offices and individuals who stepped up to our plate and filled it. Whatever the need — volunteers, food, money, time, encouragement — someone supplied it. Thanks for food and cash donations go to Super 1, Walmart and Safeway; to St. Joseph and St. Luke hospitals; to Linderman second grade, Country Foods, Country Store, Lake Monsters, Glacier Bank, USPS, North Lake County Library, Yoga Om, Bishop Insurance, Polson LDS, Good Shepherd Lutheran, St. Andrew Episcopal; and Lord knows who else. All of you are heroes. The Seventh Day Adventist Church fills our shelves each year with Souper Bowl donations, and the Polson Runners Club gives entrance fees to its annual Turkey Trot. Many individuals come with bags, boxes, and armloads of donations. Our heroes have also rolled up their sleeves and filled shelves and bags. They have donated greatly-appreciated time, energy, and good cheer. Thank you, First Interstate Bank, LDS missionaries, PJHS leadership class, Kiwanis, many businesses and a number of curious individuals who popped their heads in the door and stayed for a workout. What would we do without you?

Who’s a hero? Maybe I am. So are we all, or can be. Look around. Maybe you can’t land an airplane in the Hudson, but you can do something to help fill a need somewhere.

—Linda Kittle, Polson