Friday, January 31, 2025

Shopper uses 'five finger discount' for chain saw

| March 23, 2019 2:00 AM

The Flathead County Sheriff’s Office received a report of a man who claimed to be from Washington state, running out of a store in Columbia Falls with a $1,000 chain saw. According to a store employee, the man entered the store claiming he was searching for goat feed before grabbing the chain saw and making his escape.

A horse was caught standing in the middle of Kaeding Creek Road, having escaped its enclosure.

A high school student received a citation for minor in possession after his mom found an electronic cigarette in his room and turned him in.

Someone reported a man for walking up and down the street in front a school at recess time, stopping occasionally to watch the kids. Officers responded and approached a man matching the description who told them his basement had flooded and he had gone for a walk to smoke some cigarettes. The man was advised that he should not stop in front of the school on any future walks.

A “very uncooperative caller” contacted dispatch and began spewing profanity at the dispatcher. The man refused to give his name, address or any other information about himself, but went on to complain about a “longstanding slander campaign” before continuing his rant on basic human rights and his hatred for his boss. Dispatch plotted the location of the caller and sent law enforcement to counsel the man.

A case of road rage got personal when a driver honked at two people in a Subaru who were reportedly driving too slow. The two drivers disagreed on what happened next; the driver of the Subaru claimed they pulled over to let the honker pass, but instead the honker got out of his car and pursued a verbal argument. The honker said he went around the subjects, but they later pulled into a driveway near his and started verbally battering him. Both parties were counseled and no charges resulted.

Someone reported a suspicious vehicle driving up and down Siderius Lane shining a spotlight into neighboring homes. The caller said the car stopped at a house down the street and held the spotlight on it for a moment before turning it off. The car, however, stayed parked next to the house for a while.

Whitefish Police tracked down a group of juveniles who reportedly harassed a mother with two children in her car. The woman said the boys were tailgating her vehicle and flipping her off before she stopped. Once stopped, the boys allegedly got out of their truck and started pelting the woman’s car with rocks and yelling for her to “go the [expletive] back to Texas” because she had Texas plates on her car. Officers tracked down the subjects and cited them for disorderly conduct.