Friday, January 31, 2025

Man gets grabby with people's drinks

| March 25, 2019 2:00 AM

Someone wanted Kalispell Police Department to remove a man from a bar who was refusing to leave after he was asked when he was seen grabbing other people’s drinks.

Someone trying to help a man with a disabled vehicle in an intersection said he reportedly started beating his dog so people left. Another vehicle stopped to try and help and got the truck out of the way from blocking traffic.

Someone reported a man “pounding” on a woman in a red truck and then headed onto U.S. 2.

A resident told police she allowed a man, woman and their children to live with her in order to help them get back on their feet, reportedly giving them “a lot of her things and money.” The setup didn’t work when she “finally” kicked them out.

The resident said the woman returned to her house wanting to know if she had any of her mail. This unsettled the resident, who asked her to leave, which she did, because she felt threatened by them and thought they had left the area. She wanted advice about getting a temporary restraining order.

Two men seen in an alley behind the library were allegedly saying they were going to fight each other and one of them was smoking weed.

A woman wearing a green bandanna was in the store drinking a beer and asking other customers at gas pumps for a ride to Polson. She was counseled about having an open container.

A store employee overheard two teen girls talking about drinking and doing drugs at a party.

A woman told police she heard a bunch of noise in her house when everyone was supposed to be asleep. She said her boyfriend had pepper spray and went to check the downstairs when a photo fell from the wall. She then thought there might have been someone or something in a closet. Police didn’t find anything and checked the area.

A black newer truck was seen driving back and forth on a road and in and out of driveways.

Someone found what was believed to be a bag of methamphetamine, which was put into evidence for destruction.

A white truck with a trailer driving on the bypass toward Hutton Ranch Road was losing debris. The person calling in the report said the trail didn’t have any lights or flags to caution drivers about the load on the trailer end.