Friday, January 31, 2025

The green agenda and government control

by Mark Agather
| March 31, 2019 2:00 AM

It’s getting colder out year by year, I told my astonished friend. On top of that, the Antarctic ice sheet is setting records for increase and even the Arctic ice sheet has grown significantly since it’s low point as measured in 2012. His reply of “ridiculous” had to be modified later after he reviewed a series of articles, I supplied him from credible sources (NOAA, NASA) confirming my statements.

It is getting colder. The winters in North America and in the rest of the world have been trending cooler for the last decade at least. This year, even though it was mild for the first part, February proved to probably be one of the coldest in the history of Montana. Many people may forget that the winter of 2016-17 was the third-snowiest and the seventh-coldest in the history of Kalispell. The reason for this cooling is relatively simple: The sun spot cycle of our sun is reaching a minimum. Since the sun provides our earth with more energy in a single day than is produced by all of mankind in a year, if the sun hiccups, we are going to get colder. Mankind’s contribution is really insignificant and greatly exaggerated.

So why is the myth of man-caused climate change continued and who are the real deniers? This first reason is simple, it’s big money. The green industry is one of the most corrupt in the history of the U.S. Once any government starts picking winners and losers, “codified corruption” can’t be far behind. Contribute to the right political candidate and viola, subsidies and laws in support of specific industries follow closely behind. It’s called buying votes and it is a vicious self-feeding cycle — the more contributions, the more subsidies and appropriate legislation.

Secondly, is the political agenda created inside of the “politics of fear” which keeps people moving in a direction such politicians desire. The green agenda promotes ever increasing governmental control of the actions of people and it won’t end until our bureaucracies controls its citizens of our country from cradle to grave. It’s the mission of a socialistic government. In the past they may have been our public servants, but now they are trending toward becoming our public masters.

It’s getting colder out. It’s the reason “global warming” had to morph into “climate change.” Their next mantra will be “global cooling has been produced by global warming”! And you know what? Lots of people will believe it. Now that’s what I call terrifying.

— Mark Agather lives in Kalispell