Friday, January 31, 2025

Letters to the editor May 6

| May 6, 2019 2:00 AM

An old adage

While watching the Senate hearings with Attorney General Barr this past Wednesday, and hearing the Democratic senators and later some Democratic House members call him a liar, I was reminded to the old adage the went like this: “It takes a liar to know a liar.”

Considering that many people believe that politicians are some of the most accomplished liars in our country, I believe this adage might still be true today.

—Dale Heldstab, Columbia Falls

Public service recognition

Federal employees serve and protect us every day at every level across the country and in our community. At no time was this more evident than during the 35-day partial government shutdown earlier this year.

From ensuring safe air travel to regulating new medicines to maintaining a safe food supply to processing Social Security checks, civil servants are everywhere, yet invisibly so. And, contrary to popular belief, 85 percent of the federal workforce is located outside of Washington, D.C.

When natural disasters strike, they provide relief and help us rebuild. When mass shootings take place, they enter harm’s way and care for the wounded. And, when once-eradicated viruses reappear, they investigate public health crises. Whether they are in the public eye or active behind the scenes, civil servants take pride in working for something bigger than themselves.

At a time when the image of civil servants is unfairly tainted, and the idea of a career in public service is not on the minds of young professionals, it’s imperative that we recognize public servants and the noble profession of civil service. As we celebrate Public Service Recognition Week, let’s thank a federal employee for keeping our country running safely, efficiently and for the good of the American people.

—Vicki Walbruch, Kalispell

Star Meadows speeders

As summer approaches the traffic will be increasing on Star Meadows.

This is not a freeway! Visitors, FedEx, UPS, Forest Service, delivery trucks, logging trucks and neighbors, please slow down!

Many people walk their dogs, ride bikes, ride horses, families drive their children to school, have livestock and not to mention the wildlife that inhabit this beautiful area, are put in danger each time you all so carelessly speed, sometimes in excess of 60 miles an hour up and down this road. The posted speed limit is 35 miles an hour. Almost every vehicle and truck exceeds the posted limit by far to much. To all of you who think this is a race track, THINK AGAIN! THIS IS A RURAL RESIDENTIAL AREA!

Slow down and be thankful you have not killed anyone yet with your recklessness and total disregard of life be it two-footed or four-footed.

—Janey Robertson, Whitefish

Funding special education programs

What? Montana’s 2019 66th legislative session failed to pass House Bill 274. Astounding that the political leadership of the Big Sky state chose not to supply funding to extend educational opportunities for students with special needs after 12th grade. The much needed extended three-year program will in most cases prepare students to be productive citizens in the workforce. These students are just delayed in their learning pace.

Each student has great capacity to acquire knowledge, to learn, and apply to their future lives. House Bill 274 would have started the process of extending the productive workforce in Montana. Shame on legislators who voted no on House Bill 274. In the 2021 legislative session, will the vote be yes for this crucial three-year (19-22 years) program? In so doing Montana would join other states of these United States of America in caring for all citizens.

Respectively, a grandma to two special needs students in Montana.

—Marion Harvey, Federal Way, Wash.

Support Evergreen levy request

Maryruth and I have lived in Evergreen since 1983. Our three children graduated from Evergreen, and Flathead and Glacier high schools; our family is the product of public education. Our lives have involved public service in many ways, including in the schools, and we very much support public education for all students.

We support the levy request of Evergreen School District. The cost to our residence will be about $48 per year. Budgets are getting more difficult to manage, and need taxpayer support in the areas of technology, resource officers, food services, classroom needs and personnel.

Schools receive 80% of their funding from the state; 20% balance from local permissive and voted levies. Annual funding fluctuates based on student enrollment. Fluctuating student enrollment usually changes class size and grade level configurations; with movement of personnel between and among grade levels. Occasionally, changing student enrollment requires adding personnel, or reductions in personnel. Usually, school districts struggle with what to “give up” to have enough for “other needed budget areas.”

Evergreen School District has managed budgets well in providing good educational services during the last 14 years, without a levy request. A large majority of Evergreen students have gone on to be very successful at FHS, GHS, AgEd or LEC.

Education support, at the local level, is an important social obligation and responsibility; which significantly improves “one’s lot in life.” We encourage your support.

— Jack and Maryruth Fallon, Evergreen