Friday, January 31, 2025

Letters to the editor May 20

| May 20, 2019 2:00 AM

Porous border and health concerns

Are we experiencing “bio-terror?”

Not long ago, the United States and Europe were essentially measles-free. Most had received the measles vaccine that is the best explanation for why the occurrence of the disease dwindled. Now, we learn that tens of thousands of Europeans and Americans have contracted measles, not to mention tuberculosis, and other infectious illnesses that heretofore were relatively rare in our countries.

Although there has been resistance against vaccines in general, we presume the wide majority of our population to have some level of immunity, thus reducing the chances that a sporadic measles victim or carrier will start an epidemic. So what has happened over the last decade or so?

The border patrol warned us long ago that they were seeing sufferers of many infectious diseases approaching and crossing our southern border. Unfortunately, the focus of many commentators is on politics or economic factors to the detriment of the consideration of other issues such as health.

One thing is certain, however. If one plots a curve of the rise of measles and other diseases compared with the rise in illegal immigration, they will turn out to be roughly parallel. As a scientist, I cannot claim that immigration is the source of such an outcome, but it is striking enough that we should pay attention to it. After all, it makes logical sense. When people arrive from less developed countries where vaccination is less pervasive, it stands to reason that a certain percentage of such people would be infected by, or carriers of, otherwise preventable diseases. Our southern border is now so porous that, beyond the worries about drugs, terrorists, smugglers, human traffickers, etc., we must begin to control the border in a better fashion, lest we find illegal immigrant disease a greater part of our new problem.

— Ward DeWitt, Bigfork

Welcome to China

China could conquer the U.S. without a shot fired. It could simply send this text to every American:

“Dear Americans, we in China love all Americans. Why does Trump hurt us? We provide so many products for your families to enjoy. Why does Trump and Republicans make us stop? Our families do not want war. Please accept our offer to join us as one country living in peace.”

Then they place an embargo on ALL Chinese exports. Within 90 days our dumbed-down government-schooled, media-indoctrinated, electronic gadget-addicted Americans would gladly vote to accept China’s offer. Fake Americans place no value on American sovereignty and would not think twice about surrendering it to China.

—Roger Dwyer, Punta Gorda, Florida (formerly of Kila)

Forever grateful

A few words of appreciation from a patient on the oncology ward at Kalispell Regional Medical Center. On Easter Sunday, sometime ago now, I went to North valley Hospital in critical condition where I met my first nurse of many, “Larry.” He talked me through my first bad night of truths I had been in denial about.

The next day I was transferred to KRMC for testing and treatment, where I was to meet and be treated by a great team of doctors, nurses and support staff. True professional one and all.

I would especially like to thank the oncology nurses who worked with care and compassion under what had to be impossible circumstances as I needed constant attention. While caring for many other cancer patients with smiles and tenderness, they got me over a very dark time of fear and pain, though too many to mention all their names. I will forever be grateful. I love them all.

Thank you my friends, you have made a giant impact on my life.

—Brian Meyer, Columbia Falls

We are grieved

Would you agree that our United States of America has been blessed?

That is because our one true God, has done this for us. He set out the guidelines for our good in the Holy Bible. We honor Him by keeping in our lives, but what He says. One of the commandments is “do not murder.” Countless unborn and newly born babies are dying every day because of abortion. We are grieved by this, so how much more out Heavenly Father, who is the giver of life, must grieve.

Please pray with us that hearts will be turned and these innocent babies will not be denied life.

—Robert and Barbara Whitlock, Bigfork