Friday, January 31, 2025

Danger of Trump's foreign policy

| May 23, 2019 2:00 AM

I must quote President Dwight D. Eisenhower, highly decorated general in World War II, again. “War is mankind’s most tragic and stupid folly; to seek or advise its deliberate provocation is a black crime against all men.”

Make no mistake, conservative Republican Donald Trump is doing just that. His recent plan to send 120,000 troops to the Middle East in response to tensions with Iran is deliberate provocation. Sending Naval war ships, including an aircraft carrier loaded with war planes near Korea is taunting and threatening to North Korea. Is it any wonder that countries around the world are preparing for an invasion by the U.S. and are building a more powerful and dangerous military.

It is quite obvious that Trump is considering a war to divert attention from his criminal and immoral presidency and pandering to Putin and Russia.

The history of successful war after WWII is poor at best. The U.S. has not won a war since WWII. Korea was a draw with the 38th parallel being the goal line. Over 32,000 Americans were killed or froze to death. Ask yourself for what. Vietnam was the first war totally lost in our history. Over 60,000 American lives lost. Again, ask yourself why.

For 17 years now the George Bush administrations unprovoked invasion of Iraq and presence in the Middle East has taken thousands of casualties of U.S. troops and civilians. The war in the Middle East alone has cost the American people over $1 trillion.

More importantly, these politicians have sent our troops into a losing quagmire. Based on this history of war and politics it is doubtful that the problems with North Korea and the Middle East can be solved with further meddling by the U.S. Russia, China, North Korea and Iran would like nothing more than to see the U.S. lose another war, which would further damage our reputation and standing around the world. It seems prudent and fair that investing in the U.S. by paying down the national debt ($22 trillion), requiring that all Americans pay their fair share in taxes and investing in research to find a solution to the murder that happens daily is an intelligent way to start over. There is so much more that needs repair to make America great again for all Americans.

Trump is a dangerous, delusional, prevaricating person filled with concern for Donald Trump and the top 1% of our population. There is so much more that needs repair and it will take time so lets go to the polls and start at the top. Here is the truth.

From the Pacific to the Atlantic, from Canada to Mexico the United States is the greatest piece of real estate on the planet. It seems that our politicians and vested interests continue to exploit this great nation. Lets stop the apathy and demand that our elected officials work together for the benefit of all Americans including those that have been purchased with dark money.

—Jerry Reckin, Kalispell