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Flathead High School stages classic 'Whodunit?'

| October 17, 2019 8:19 PM

The Flathead High School Theatre Department will present the theatrical mystery “Rehearsal for Murder” Oct. 24, 25 and 26 at 6:27 p.m. in the David M. Hashley Theatre at Flathead High School.

Admission is $7 for adults and $5 for students and senior citizens. Tickets are available at the FHS Main Office, Photo Video Plus and, if still available, at the door.

When actress Monica Welles, the beautiful leading lady and fiancee of successful playwright Alex Dennison, dies, everyone believes it was suicide. But not Alex. He sets out to snare her killer by writing a new play that recounts the events of that fateful night and then calls all the suspects to rehearse the show. Clues emerge as they read through the play and startling connections to the murder and possible motives begin to unfold. The growing tension reaches the boiling point with surprising revelations as the script weaves deception and shock into every scene. The audience will be kept guessing until the final, unexpected climax.

“We picked this show because it keeps you guessing at each turn. Who killed Monica Welles? Was it Bella? Lloyd? David? Leo or Karen?” said co-directors Bethany Shehan and Patty Hodges. “Every character gives you a reason to suspect them. Anyone who likes a good mystery and likes to be kept guessing should see the show. Though, it may not be suitable for younger audiences due to some mature content and language.”

“Rehearsal for Murder” was written by Emmy-winning 1970-1980s television-script veterans Richard Levinson and William Link, whose best known works include “Columbo” and “Murder, She Wrote.” On television and on the stage, their mysteries steered clear of bloodshed in favor of clever, creative storytelling. Their 1982 made-for-TV movie, “Rehearsal for Murder,” starred Robert Preston and Lynn Redgrave, and the script was later adapted for the stage by D.D. Brooke.

“We have enjoyed watching the actors discover all of the ‘Easter eggs’ left in the script by the playwright — all the hidden clues they didn’t catch the first time,”Shehan and Hodges said. “The ‘Oh! So that’s why my character...’ moments. We also hope everyone will enjoy the guessing game and come away from the production with a sense of shock. However, if you’ve seen it, mum’s the word!”

The cast of “Rehearsal for Murder” includes Daniel Edelen, James Francis, Faith Cheff, Lydia Wood, Rylee Burkhart, Thomas Schultz, Emme Schow, Kadence Johnson, Alan Taylor, Sean Struble, Connor Adcox, Cassie Cattron, Carl Bell, Christopher Emerson and Michael Kelley.

Behind the scenes, Cahira McDowell, Shelbie Guckenberg, Rebekah Hopp, Rylee Houser, Kirya Henderson, Athena Wallace, Jade Dickerson, Matt Nairn, Natasha Gesker, Eranae McDowell, Kay Gibbs, Jessie Chadwick, Serena Keil, Bethany Nairn, Summer Palmer, Ashley Denizen, Madison Byrd, Seda Ramsey and Rylie Martin make up the lighting and sound crew.