Friday, January 31, 2025

School board trustee asks community to support levy

| April 29, 2020 8:57 AM

Consider voting in favor of the two levy requests. As a School Board Member, I sit on the committee negotiating staff salaries. I believe our staff’s compensation is not up to par with their peers in the valley. It hope our community can collectively realize the success and progress Bigfork School is making for the betterment of our youth, through defining what is taught and when and pushing each student for educational growth. Our school is fortunate to have talented, committed and compassionate staffing, especially during unprecedented times of school closures. Six weeks ago, during a regularly scheduled board meeting our administrators presented the possible scenario of a school closure, along with the plan they were working on for continuing connection with students to assure their grade level completion for the year. Closure seemed “out of this world,” I listened with skepticism. Two weeks later closures were ordered. Students missed one day while our teachers swiftly and confidently transitioned to virtual online instruction with students connected from home through online media using computers supplied if needed. Surprisingly, student attendance has exceeded the norm. The staff continued supplying meals and essentials as needed by families using buses and displaced staff. Finally, upheaval aside, the staff continues pursuing professional development. Neighboring schools canceled their levies. Our board decided the levy request timing is perfect to reveal how professional and committed our staff is to the kids. Our educators deserve higher pay. Your vote will make the decision.

— Zack Anderson, Bigfork School Board Member