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Man spotted dragging 'body bag' is misconception, not murder

| February 19, 2020 2:00 AM

Monday, Feb. 10

— A caller on Montana 83 reported stolen license plates. The reporting party later called back to say their mechanic had taken the plates off while performing repairs and they were not stolen.

— An individual reported a man on Montana 35 who was not wearing reflective gear in the evening and was “just staring.” The caller said he mad her nervous and she requested a deputy respond.

Tuesday, Feb. 11

No calls from Bigfork were reported this day.

Wednesday, Feb. 12

— A caller reported a male dragging what allegedly appeared to be a body bag based on their observation that jeans were sticking out of it. The claim turned out to be unfounded.

— A caller requested an ambulance for an individual who was bleeding. The patient was reportedly still conscious and breathing. An ambulance responded to the scene.

Thursday, Feb. 13

— An individual reporting finding a note inside their home that said “It would be best if leave by the end of the week.” The reporting party suspected a neighbor left it after law enforcement made a visit to their home earlier. They were also concerned that someone had been able to get into their home while they were away.

— CPR was in progress on a female.

— A black dog at-large was reported on Montana 83. Deputies were unable to get close to the dog.

— An abandoned tan car was reported at the end of a Ledgewood Drive address. The owner was located and was en route to move the vehicle.

— A blue Ford truck was reportedly all over the road on Montana 83 and at one point stopped in the middle of the road.

— A male who had allegedly consumed a fifth of vodka along with medication was transported via ambulance.

— A caller on Electric Avenue reported their neighbor’s dogs were running at-large in their yard. A deputy contacted the owner of the three canines and advised her of the complaint. She suspected the dogs escaped through the gate. She was advised that citations would be issued if the sheriff’s office received additional complaints.

— An individual with a temporary restraining order against a male reported the male was in the same grocery aisle as them and that after they left, he walked behind them down another aisle.