Saturday, January 18, 2025

Bigfork outdoor recreation survey available through Dec. 31

Bigfork Eagle | December 7, 2022 1:35 PM

The Bigfork Outdoor Recreation Alliance, or BORA, is seeking public input as part of their community-led effort to develop an outdoor recreation plan for the Bigfork area. This “Recreation Connection Action Plan”, or RCAP, is intended to guide safe, connected and sustainable high-quality recreation access for all to Bigfork’s rivers, mountains, parks, trails and Flathead Lake.

In November, BORA conducted in-person and virtual community workshops to obtain input through interactive discussions. To supplement these workshops and provide an opportunity for engagement from community members unable to attend these meetings, a community survey is now available online and at various locations around the Bigfork area.

“We want to hear from as many people in the community as possible,” CFBB Director and BORA member Megan Shoultz said. “It is important to get perspectives, values, concerns and other input from all of those who enjoy outdoor recreation in Bigfork. The time is now to figure out how we take care of what we have and consider what we need in the future to keep Bigfork a great place to live, work, and play.”

Upon compiling input of the survey, BORA will commence the second phase of the project to draft a plan that will build organizational capacity, increase funding competitiveness, and provide direction for partners in improving outdoor recreation opportunities. It is anticipated that the plan will be completed by summer.

Members of BORA include the U.S. Forest Service, PacifiCorp, Flathead Lake Lodge, Community Foundation for a Better Bigfork, Bigfork Chamber of Commerce, Bigfork Rotary, Whitney Family, Montana FWP, Trust for Public Land, Flathead Land Trust, Montana Land Reliance and Montana DNRC.

The public can access the survey at following link:

The survey is also available online via the project website as a link or downloadable PDF or via the BORA Facebook page. Print versions of the survey will be available at various locations around Bigfork and upon request. Community members are encouraged to share the survey link or collect print surveys and mail them to Montana Access Project. The survey will be open until Dec. 31, 2022.

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