A pair of T-boned rafts go over a rapid on the Wild Mile during the Bigfork Whitewater Festival Sunday, May 26. The raft to the right flipped and was quickly recovered by the rafters without aid from safety crews. (Avery Howe/Bigfork Eagle)
A kayaker competes in Giant Slalom at the Bigfork Whitewater Festival Sunday, May 26. (Avery Howe/Bigfork Eagle)
A rafter works to right an upside down raft in the Bigfork Whitewater Festival Sunday, May 26. (Avery Howe photo)
A kayaker competes in giant slalom at the Bigfork Whitewater Festival Sunday, May 26. (Avery Howe/Bigfork Eagle)
A kayaker competes in giant slalom at the Bigfork Whitewater Festival Sunday, May 26. (Avery Howe/Bigfork Eagle)
A raft flips in the second heat of head-to-head competition at the Bigfork Whitewater Festival Sunday, May 26. (Avery Howe/Bigfork Eagle)