Friday, January 17, 2025

Unwavering belief in the American people

| November 6, 2024 12:00 AM

“Before all else, the people have a right to an electoral system free of shenanigans and capable of yielding honest, responsible, and responsive government open to all and shaped to meet the needs of all.” — Mike Mansfield, 1974.

As our nation anxiously awaits the results of one of the most contentious elections in our history, we as the sentinels of the Mansfield legacy reaffirm the values that Maureen and Mike Mansfield held dear: Integrity, respect, honesty, civility, and above all, love of country.

Considered by many to be our nation’s greatest statesman, Montana’s Mike Mansfield rose from a hardscrabble childhood, service in three branches of the military, and working Butte’s copper mines to become our nation’s longest-serving Senate majority leader. Among other great acts, Mansfield played a critical role in passing our nation’s most important voting rights law in the 1965 Voting Rights Act. This legacy is a critical component of our distinguished history of the peaceful transition of power and one of our greatest democratic traditions: free and fair elections.

We honor the dedication of tens of thousands of our fellow citizens across the country working to ensure that the election process is secure, transparent and fair. From poll workers and election officials to cybersecurity teams, many individuals play vital roles in upholding our democratic system. In our commitment to the system so essential to who we are as Americans, we encourage you to respect the conscientiousness that goes into each step of the electoral process.

Regardless of the outcome, engaging peacefully and respectfully is a cornerstone of a healthy democracy. We are strengthened by our ability to respect diverse voices and maintain the integrity of our civic process. Let us stand united in supporting our shared democratic values and honoring every voice. We call on our fellow citizens to accept certified election results and engage with one another in the Mansfield way of respect and civility.

Mansfield offered an example of statesmanship and bridging divides in tumultuous times. If our democracy and way of life are to survive, it is imperative that we build upon Mansfield’s legacy of ethical leadership and bipartisanship to address the challenges facing our world today. We ask you to join us in ensuring that our nation and democracy stand firm in the face of internal and external forces that would seek to divide rather than unite us.

“…Democracy — as we know it, love it and understand it — is today facing a challenge as to its very existence. This challenge must be met: met by all who believe in its fundamental processes and who love the liberties and responsibilities of a democracy.” — Mike Mansfield, 1939.

The advisory board and staff of the Maureen and Mike Mansfield Center of the University of Montana.