Wednesday, March 26, 2025

Don’t mandate a state religion

| February 5, 2025 12:00 AM

Our family has just learned that the Senate is expected to vote this week on a troubling bill, Senate Bill 114. As we read it, the Montana Legislature is proposing to act as our self-appointed religious authority by mandating that public schools post the Ten Commandments in every classroom.  We’ve seen these bills in other states and they result in costly litigation, because they replace parents, the family and our faith community as our source for religious inspiration and guidance.

As defined in the US Constitution, government entities -- such as public schools -- must protect the constitutional rights of ALL, including by ensuring that the public schools serve all students without regard to their religion reference. It is not the state’s job to pick and choose among holy Scripture or any other religious doctrine and then force students to conform. We have good friends who have given their lives opposing similar actions, by groups like the Taliban in Afghanistan, and pray their sacrifice is not dishonored by such dictates in our home state.

As former Chrisian missionaries, we are more than capable, along with our parish and pastor to guide our children in their religious education. Public schools should have no role nor should the State of Montana in religious indoctrination. Please oppose this unneeded and unwanted intrusion into our personal lives and freedoms.

Patrick and Connie Copeland Malone and Family, Columbia Falls