Letters to the Editor
Want to read a letter to the editor of Bigfork Eagle? See below to view their letters.
A bridge in Bigfork is just as important as Baltimore
For hours after the tragic accident that took down a bridge over the Pabsco River in Baltimore, our nation sat tog…
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It is time for a practical lesson on tribalism over patriotism in U.S. politics today.
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It is clear that the editorial board of this paper has lost sight of the fact that we are a nation of laws and not of men. To suggest that an elected official or officials can make decisions which are in contravent…
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It is time for a practical lesson on tribalism over patriotism in U.S. politics today.
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It is clear that the editorial board of this paper has lost sight of the fact that we are a nation of laws and not of men. To suggest that an elected official or officials can make decisions which are in contravent…
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It is time for a practical lesson on tribalism over patriotism in U.S. politics today.
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Wherever bottling plants arise, so too does corruption and the defilement of public governance.
Lincoln County being hurt by state move
The Lincoln County Board of Commissioners wants to share our dismay with a recent decision by Montana Department of Environmental Quality and the governor’s office to file a violation against Hecla Mining under the…
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Wherever bottling plants arise, so too does corruption and the defilement of public governance.
Mother Teresa'words still speak loudly for the unborn
The National Prayer Breakfast occurred this February. It’s an annual reminder that our nation was founded on Judeo-Christian principles and an attendant moral code. In the history of this event there has been nothi…
Does state violate Constitution in its candidate rules?
Another election year is upon us, and you may have been reading stories about the various candidates who have filed for a chance to hold public office in Montana.
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As a follow-up to the odd Daily Inter Lake editorial regarding the ruling from Judge Allison, let me just say, as an ACTUAL PERSON who attended that commissioners’ “hearing,” they turned a DEAF EAR to the overflowi…
The Trump effect
Over the course of the past 16 months, we have been witness to the constant chaos and litany of lies emanating from the Oval Office. One would think that those who profess to love their country and to believe in th…
Setting the facts straight about school levy request
On April 10, the Daily Inter Lake published a letter by Mark Agather entitled “Vote no on school bond.” I do not know Mr. Agather, but I respect him as a fellow citizen entitled to his opinion. However, the facts a…
Character is valued, but policy is now priority
People say they value integrity in their elected officials. Voting trends, however, indicate increasing interest in effectiveness.
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As a follow-up to the odd Daily Inter Lake editorial regarding the ruling from Judge Allison, let me just say, as an ACTUAL PERSON who attended that commissioners’ “hearing,” they turned a DEAF EAR to the overflowi…