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Gilbert W. Washburn, 73
Gilbert Welles Washburn passed away at his residence in Columbia Falls on Wednesday, Aug. 28, 2019, at 73 years of age.
Harold Dwane Oney, 87
Harold Dwane Oney, 87, passed away peacefully at the Montana Veterans Home on Sept. 3, 2019.
Bob Anderson, 64
With love, and broken hearts, we say farewell for now to one of the hardest working and strongest men we have ever known. Bob Anderson, passed away with his ch…
Annette Jeanne Craig Smith, 61
Annette Jeanne Craig Smith, 61, known to most as Annie, began her journey across the Big River the morning of Tuesday, Aug. 6, 2019. Her daughter Ellie, brothe…
Daniel David Donahue, 86
Dan passed away at his home in Whitefish Sept. 2, 2019, at age 86.
Kerry Lynn West, 68
Kerry Lynn West passed away Aug. 22, 2019, in San Antonio, Texas, from complications with cancer.
Mary Susan 'Suzy' Como, 73
The angels in heaven decided Monday, Sept. 2, 2019, it was time to deliver our beautiful, loving wife ( Bucky), mother( Mom), grandmother (Gramsy), great-grand…
Franklin 'Frank' Wynne Noble, 64
Frank Noble skied into the arms of Jesus and his children, Krystal and Franklin, on Tuesday, Aug, 27, 2019.
Dennie L. Gasser, 72
Dennie L. Gasser died Aug. 30, 2019, of lung cancer.
Leo Allen McDonald, 70
Leo Allen McDonald died unexpectedly at Lake Alva with a fishing pole in his hand, on Aug. 31, 2019, at the age of 70.
Domingo Vizcarra Guerrero, 75
On Thursday, Aug. 29, 2019, Domingo Vizcarra Guerrero, also known as Mingo, loving husband and father of three children, passed away peacefully at his home in …
Andrew 'Andy' Carl Flack, 63
Andrew “Andy” Carl Flack, 63, passed away Aug. 22, 2019, at his home in Kalispell after a long battle of idiopathic pulmonary fibrosis, IPF.
James Charles Sharp
Jim was born on June 12, 1940, and left us on April 18, 2019. According to Google he lived 28,799 days.
Ramona Joyce Vincent, 87
On July 17, 2019, our mother was united with her husband William Vincent on what would have been their 71st wedding anniversary.
Gail Seelye-Weimar, 93
Gail Seelye-Weimar took God’s hand to travel home Wednesday, Aug. 28, 2019 surrounded by her family.