Friday, February 07, 2025
The Vikings cross country team of Elliot Sanford, North Nollan, Ryder Nollan, Colten Wroble, Colton Ballard, Elijah Albert and Jack Jensen take to the streets around Bigfork for some of their hundreds of miles of practice before winning a state title this season. (photo provided)

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Vikings bring home Bigfork’s first boy’s cross country title in 46 years
November 3, 2021 midnight

Vikings bring home Bigfork’s first boy’s cross country title in 46 years

The Vikings cross country team is proving that hard work and dedication really do pay off. Less than six months after taking on the goal of running throughout the summer in the hopes of a top-five finish at the state meet, the team brought home Bigfork’s first boy’s cross country title in 46 years.