Saturday, January 18, 2025
Charlie-in-the-box, played by Collin Olson joined by other misfit toys, played by Macie Jackson, Grace Bell, Rylee Wood, Naomi Miller, Emelia Dahlman, Graham Rennie, Mia Sherman, Madelian Van Oort, Amelia Gibson and Deacon Rudolph. (Taylor Inman/Bigfork Eagle)

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BPCT members talk 'Rudolph' and share their love of performing
December 14, 2022 midnight

BPCT members talk 'Rudolph' and share their love of performing

Dozens of local kids take part in the Bigfork Playhouse Children’s Theater’s annual Christmas show each year. This year, they are taking on “Rudolph the Red Nosed Reindeer,” based on the animated classic.