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Mary (Rognlien) Salsbury
Obituary for Mary (Rognlien) Salsbury
Shirley G. Olson MacLachlan
Shirley G. Olson MacLachlan, 96, died October 29, 2021 in Kalispell, MT. She was born June 24, 1925, in Redwater, MT to Clara and Elmer Olson.
Torrey Marcel Cenis, 54
Torrey Marcel Cenis, beloved Son, Husband, Father, Brother and Friend, was called Home on Oct. 9, 2021.
Larry “Oren” Metzger, 60
On the afternoon of Oct. 11, 2021, Larry “Oren” Metzger passed away at St Peter’s Hospital in Helena, due to complications of COVID-19. At the time of his pass…
Dane Christian Hansen, 16
Dane Christian Hansen, 16, beloved son of Nels Christian Hansen Jr. of Bigfork and Stephanie Lovelett of Casper, Wyoming, returned to his heavenly home on Sept…
Randy C. Grout, 70
Randy C. Grout passed away peacefully in his home surrounded by his family on July 27, 2021, at the age of 70, just three months after being diagnosed with acu…
Don "Donga" Goodell
Don "Donga" Goodell
Judith 'Judy' May Brown, 82
Judith 'Judy' May Brown, 82
Shirlee Marie Hansen
Shirlee Marie Hansen
Keith Eugene McClain, 86
Keith Eugene McClain
Robert "Bob" Kolve Westrich
Sept. 27 1944 – Mar. 11 2021
Kimberly Sue Mitchell, 50
Kim was born on July 30, 1970, to Russell and Barbara Presley at Ramsey AFB in Puerto Rico.
Dorothy Louise Lawson Plum, 89
Dorothy Louise Lawson Plum, 89
Elizabeth “Betty” Fondell Schwartz, 88
Elizabeth “Betty” Fondell Schwartz
John W. Myers, 77
John W. Myers, 77